
Амортизаторы S40 I

913,21 1 050
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '108202',
    'id_1c' => '494fd71d-227b-49b1-827c-9ceab1aa164a',
    'name' => 'Вставка стойки амортизаторной задней VOLVO S40 (-04) \\\\ GParts VO30875136',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => 'VO30875136 Вставка стойки амортизаторной задней VOLVO S40 (-04) \\\\ GParts VO30875136',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить недорого Опора амортизатора \\\\ GParts VO30875136 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене. Доставка по России.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2020-03-26 12:37:09',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:56:04',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '15856',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'opora-amortizatora-gparts-vo30875136',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '913.2100',
    'compare_price' => '1050.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '913.2100',
    'max_price' => '913.2100',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '913.2100',
    'min_base_price' => '913.2100',
    'max_base_price' => '913.2100',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '3105',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>GP-German Parts</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '913.2100',
    'frontend_price' => '913.2100',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '913.2100',
    'frontend_min_price' => '913.2100',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '913.2100',
    'frontend_max_price' => '913.2100',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '1050.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '1050.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
366,99 420
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '108203',
    'id_1c' => 'bb153637-7cd3-438e-b1f7-022e1e538c17',
    'name' => 'Подшипник переднего амортизатора VOLVO S40, V40 \\\\ GParts VO30875399',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => 'VO30875399 Подшипник переднего амортизатора VOLVO S40, V40 \\\\ GParts VO30875399',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить недорого Подшипник амортизатора \\\\ GParts VO30875399 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене. Доставка по России.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2020-03-26 12:37:09',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:56:19',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '15857',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'podshipnik-amortizatora-gparts-vo30875399',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '366.9900',
    'compare_price' => '420.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '366.9900',
    'max_price' => '366.9900',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '50.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '366.9900',
    'min_base_price' => '366.9900',
    'max_base_price' => '366.9900',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '3104',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>GP-German Parts</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '366.9900',
    'frontend_price' => '366.9900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '366.9900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '366.9900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '366.9900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '366.9900',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '420.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '420.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
2 427 2 790
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '5282',
    'id_1c' => 'caba540f-207c-41ae-9e52-9396eca6915e',
    'name' => 'Амортизатор передний левый \\\\ VOLVO S40 I,V40 \\\\ 96-99 \\\\ Optimal A-3090GL',
    'summary' => '<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="padding-left: 90px; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; text-indent: -18pt; line-height: normal; text-align: justify; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt "> </span></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: ">Место установки:<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span>передний мост; слева</span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="padding-left: 90px; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; text-indent: -18pt; line-height: normal; text-align: justify; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt "> </span></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: ">Ходовая часть:<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span>для автомобилей со стандартной ходовой частью</span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="padding-left: 90px; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; text-indent: -18pt; line-height: normal; text-align: justify; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt "> </span></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: ">Конструкция амортизатора:<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span>амортизационная стойка</span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="padding-left: 90px; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; text-indent: -18pt; line-height: normal; text-align: justify; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt "> </span></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: ">Система амортизатора:<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span>двухтрубный</span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet3.gif" style="padding-left: 90px; margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt 36pt; text-indent: -18pt; line-height: normal; text-align: justify; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt "> </span></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: ">Исполнение амортизатора:<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> </span>давление газа</span></p>',
    'meta_title' => 'A-3090GL Амортизатор передний левый \\\\ VOLVO S40 I,V40 \\\\ 96-99 \\\\',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Амортизатор передний левый \\\\ VOLVO S40 I,V40 \\\\ 96-99 \\\\ цена 2427 На странице товара Вы найдете описание запчастей, можете скачать бесплатно инструкции, посмотреть руководство по ремонту, также у нас есть страницы в ко',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2010-10-22 17:00:23',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:42:02',
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    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '2085',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'amortizator-perednij-levyj-volvo-s40-iv40-96-99-',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '2427.0000',
    'compare_price' => '2790.0000',
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    'max_price' => '2427.0000',
    'tax_id' => '0',
    'count' => '0.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
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    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
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    'base_price' => '2427.0000',
    'min_base_price' => '2427.0000',
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    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
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    'category_id' => '3104',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>OPTIMAL</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
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    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'frontend_price' => '2427.0000',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '2427.0000',
    'frontend_min_price' => '2427.0000',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '2427.0000',
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    'frontend_compare_price' => '2790.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
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  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Нет в наличии