

2 297,68 2 640
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '87862',
    'id_1c' => 'f8b52271-1ec6-4492-baad-fdf528886d0d',
    'name' => 'Брелок "Creative Key Ring" \\\\ VOLVO Original 30673720',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '30673720  Брелок "Creative Key Ring"  Volvo',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Брелок "Creative Key Ring" \\\\ VOLVO Original 30673720 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:11',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:46:05',
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    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
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    'sku_id' => '9864',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'brelok-creative-key-ring-30673720',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '2297.6800',
    'compare_price' => '2640.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '2297.6800',
    'max_price' => '2297.6800',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '2297.6800',
    'min_base_price' => '2297.6800',
    'max_base_price' => '2297.6800',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1030',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '2297.6800',
    'frontend_price' => '2297.6800',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '2297.6800',
    'frontend_min_price' => '2297.6800',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '2297.6800',
    'frontend_max_price' => '2297.6800',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '2640.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '2640.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
13 790,58 15 860
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88387',
    'id_1c' => '9a88f1e0-0c54-4014-966b-f60a712e31a0',
    'name' => 'Термостат коробки автомат VOLVO S80 II, XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31293739',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31293739 Термостат коробки автомат VOLVO S80 II, XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31293739',
    'meta_keywords' => 'Термостат коробки автомат VOLVO S80 II, XC60, XC70 II',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Термостат коробки автомат VOLVO S80 II, XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31293739 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:53:11',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => '5543',
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10389',
    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'korpus-termostata-masljanogo-31293739',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '13790.5800',
    'compare_price' => '15860.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '13790.5800',
    'max_price' => '13790.5800',
    'tax_id' => '0',
    'count' => '61.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
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    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '13790.5800',
    'min_base_price' => '13790.5800',
    'max_base_price' => '13790.5800',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '2023',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '13790.5800',
    'frontend_price' => '13790.5800',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '13790.5800',
    'frontend_min_price' => '13790.5800',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '13790.5800',
    'frontend_max_price' => '13790.5800',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '15860.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '15860.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
14 678,36 16 880
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88428',
    'id_1c' => 'd2726ddc-e41b-402f-b5f4-52c2aef7c7cc',
    'name' => 'Молдинг стекла задней правой двери VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31297682',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31297682 Молдинг стекла задней правой двери VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31297682',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Молдинг задней двери \\\\ VOLVO Original 31297682 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:49:55',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10430',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'molding-zadnej-dveri-31297682',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '14678.3600',
    'compare_price' => '16880.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '14678.3600',
    'max_price' => '14678.3600',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '14678.3600',
    'min_base_price' => '14678.3600',
    'max_base_price' => '14678.3600',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1873',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '14678.3600',
    'frontend_price' => '14678.3600',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '14678.3600',
    'frontend_min_price' => '14678.3600',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '14678.3600',
    'frontend_max_price' => '14678.3600',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '16880.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '16880.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
1 402,11 1 610
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88429',
    'id_1c' => '4703d0e1-57d7-4b19-9563-dc046d991be1',
    'name' => 'Окончание молдинга лобового стекла левого VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31297703',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31297703 Окончание молдинга лобового стекла левого VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31297703',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Окончание молдинга лобового стекла левого \\\\ VOLVO Original 31297703 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:50:32',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
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    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10431',
    'ext' => NULL,
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    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '1402.1100',
    'compare_price' => '1610.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '1402.1100',
    'max_price' => '1402.1100',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '20.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '1402.1100',
    'min_base_price' => '1402.1100',
    'max_base_price' => '1402.1100',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '663',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '1402.1100',
    'frontend_price' => '1402.1100',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '1402.1100',
    'frontend_min_price' => '1402.1100',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '1402.1100',
    'frontend_max_price' => '1402.1100',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '1610.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '1610.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
9 310,69 10 710
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88437',
    'id_1c' => '0ad0c952-0dd6-4b23-8003-f0c945bcfd7e',
    'name' => 'Ограничитель двери передней VOLVO S60 II, S80 II, XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31298466',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31298466 Ограничитель двери передней VOLVO S60 II, S80 II, XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31298466',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Ограничитель двери передней \\\\ VOLVO Original 31298466 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:50:31',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => '4617',
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10439',
    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'ogranichitel-dveri-perednej-31298466',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '9310.6900',
    'compare_price' => '10710.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '9310.6900',
    'max_price' => '9310.6900',
    'tax_id' => '0',
    'count' => '110.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '9310.6900',
    'min_base_price' => '9310.6900',
    'max_base_price' => '9310.6900',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '6757.8000',
    'category_id' => '1872',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
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    'frontend_price' => '9310.6900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '9310.6900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '9310.6900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '9310.6900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '9310.6900',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '10710.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '10710.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
9 310,69 10 710
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88438',
    'id_1c' => '130d99b0-218f-47bc-ad1f-0d65621d95f2',
    'name' => 'Ограничитель двери задней VOLVO S60 II, S80 II, XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31298467',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31298467 Ограничитель двери задней VOLVO S60 II, S80 II, XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31298467',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Ограничитель \\\\ VOLVO Original 31298467 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:50:31',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10440',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'ogranichitel-31298467',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '9310.6900',
    'compare_price' => '10710.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '9310.6900',
    'max_price' => '9310.6900',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '41.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '9310.6900',
    'min_base_price' => '9310.6900',
    'max_base_price' => '9310.6900',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1873',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '9310.6900',
    'frontend_price' => '9310.6900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '9310.6900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '9310.6900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '9310.6900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '9310.6900',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '10710.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '10710.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
6 222,76 7 160
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88465',
    'id_1c' => 'eb33429c-4e0d-49fe-9298-ee3eb4760620',
    'name' => 'Полка крепления АКБ VOLVO XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31299867',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31299867 Полка крепления АКБ VOLVO XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31299867',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Полка крепления АКБ \\\\ VOLVO Original 31299867 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:51:06',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10467',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'polka-31299867',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '6222.7600',
    'compare_price' => '7160.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '6222.7600',
    'max_price' => '6222.7600',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '6222.7600',
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    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1998',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '6222.7600',
    'frontend_price' => '6222.7600',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '6222.7600',
    'frontend_min_price' => '6222.7600',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '6222.7600',
    'frontend_max_price' => '6222.7600',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '7160.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '7160.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
3 628,45 4 170
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88492',
    'id_1c' => '4e10b76a-db8d-417d-ac3c-2dc612c27d85',
    'name' => 'Бачок ГУР ​Volvo S60CC, S60 II, V60, S80 II, V60, V60CC, V70 III, XC70 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31302576',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31302576 Бачок ГУР ​Volvo S60CC, S60 II, V60, S80 II, V60, V60CC, V70 III, XC70 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31302576',
    'meta_keywords' => 'Бачок ГУР ​Volvo S60CC, S60 II, V60, S80 II, V60, V60CC, V70 III, XC70 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31302576',
    'meta_description' => 'Предлагаем купить в интернет-магазине {$name} по цене {$price} С доставкой по всей России Возможна установка в нашем сервисе Вольво {$summary} всегда в наличии оригинальные запчасти и качественные аналоги доставка по России любая форма оплаты ',
    'description' => '<p><span></span>Volvo S60 CC -2018, S60/V60 2011-2018, S80 2007-, V60 2011-2018, V60 CC -2018, V70 2008-, V70/XC70 2008-, XC60 -2017<span></span><span></span>  </p>',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:45:51',
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    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
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    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'bachok-gur-31302576',
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    'compare_price' => '4170.0000',
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    'max_price' => '3628.4500',
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    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
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    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '3628.4500',
    'min_base_price' => '3628.4500',
    'max_base_price' => '3628.4500',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '4686.7300',
    'category_id' => '2952',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '3628.4500',
    'frontend_price' => '3628.4500',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '3628.4500',
    'frontend_min_price' => '3628.4500',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '3628.4500',
    'frontend_max_price' => '3628.4500',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '4170.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '4170.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
19 717,67 22 680
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88505',
    'id_1c' => '15b9a280-d790-41d7-a7a4-8e734dc7edc5',
    'name' => 'Блок управления вентилятора системы охлаждения Volvo S60 II, V60, S60CC, V60CC, S80 II, V70 III, XC70 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31305106',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31305106 Блок управления вентилятора системы охлаждения Volvo S60 II, V60, S60CC, V60CC, S80 II, V70 III, XC70 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31305106',
    'meta_keywords' => 'Блок управления вентилятора системы охлаждения Volvo S60 II, V60, S60CC, V60CC, S80 II, V70 III, XC70 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31305106',
    'meta_description' => 'Предлагаем купить в интернет-магазине {$name} по цене {$price} С доставкой по всей России Возможна установка в нашем сервисе Вольво {$summary} всегда в наличии оригинальные запчасти и качественные аналоги доставка по России любая форма оплаты ',
    'description' => '<p>Volvo S60/V60/S60 CC/V60 CC 2011-2018, S80 2007-, V70/XC70 2008-, XC60 -2017</p>




<td><a href="https://www.shopvolvo.ru/blok-upravleniya-ventilyatora-sistemy-okhlazhdeniya-volvo-s80-ii-xc60-xc70-ii-swparts-sw31319380/" target="_blank"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);"><strong><u>SW31319380</u></strong></span></a></td> 



    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:45:56',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => '4886',
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10507',
    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'blok-upravlenija-ventiljatora-sistemy-ohlazhdenija-31305106',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '19717.6700',
    'compare_price' => '22680.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '19717.6700',
    'max_price' => '19717.6700',
    'tax_id' => '0',
    'count' => '110.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '19717.6700',
    'min_base_price' => '19717.6700',
    'max_base_price' => '19717.6700',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '10137.4500',
    'category_id' => '2191',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #aa7c30;"><span>есть аналог</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '19717.6700',
    'frontend_price' => '19717.6700',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '19717.6700',
    'frontend_min_price' => '19717.6700',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '19717.6700',
    'frontend_max_price' => '19717.6700',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '22680.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '22680.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
21 634,40 24 880
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88546',
    'id_1c' => 'e45fb6ea-f346-4106-a030-92880c1be29e',
    'name' => 'Защита двигателя алюминивая VOLVO S80 II, XC70 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31316732',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31316732 Защита двигателя алюминивая VOLVO S80 II, XC70 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31316732',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Защита двигателя 6-цил., AWD, Бензин \\\\ VOLVO Original 31316732 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:13',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:47:55',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10548',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'zashita-dvigatelja-6-cil-awd-benzin-31316732',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '21634.4000',
    'compare_price' => '24880.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '21634.4000',
    'max_price' => '21634.4000',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '13.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '21634.4000',
    'min_base_price' => '21634.4000',
    'max_base_price' => '21634.4000',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1030',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
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    'unconverted_price' => '21634.4000',
    'frontend_price' => '21634.4000',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '21634.4000',
    'frontend_min_price' => '21634.4000',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '21634.4000',
    'frontend_max_price' => '21634.4000',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '24880.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '24880.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ 3 дня)
7 094,95 8 160
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88601',
    'id_1c' => '5694e9b9-8763-4dc4-8121-77295e2c1b3b',
    'name' => 'Молдинг капота R-design VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31323085',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31323085 Молдинг капота R-design VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31323085',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Молдинг капота R-design \\\\ VOLVO Original 31323085 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:14',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:49:52',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10603',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'molding-kapota-r-design-31323085',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '7094.9500',
    'compare_price' => '8160.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '7094.9500',
    'max_price' => '7094.9500',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '14.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '7094.9500',
    'min_base_price' => '7094.9500',
    'max_base_price' => '7094.9500',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1868',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '7094.9500',
    'frontend_price' => '7094.9500',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '7094.9500',
    'frontend_min_price' => '7094.9500',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '7094.9500',
    'frontend_max_price' => '7094.9500',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '8160.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '8160.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
77 783,50 89 450
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88697',
    'id_1c' => '4fe8b81b-4bc4-423d-8bea-889559286744',
    'name' => 'Радиатор кондиционера VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31332027',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31332027 Радиатор кондиционера VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31332027',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Радиатор кондиционера \\\\ VOLVO Original 31332027 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:14',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:51:56',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10699',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'radiator-kondicionera-31332027',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '77783.5000',
    'compare_price' => '89450.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '77783.5000',
    'max_price' => '77783.5000',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '17.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '77783.5000',
    'min_base_price' => '77783.5000',
    'max_base_price' => '77783.5000',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
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    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
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    'frontend_price' => '77783.5000',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '77783.5000',
    'frontend_min_price' => '77783.5000',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '77783.5000',
    'frontend_max_price' => '77783.5000',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '89450.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '89450.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
14 513,19 16 690
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88728',
    'id_1c' => 'dcffe270-022b-496c-9122-36da3933c6bf',
    'name' => 'Молдинг 5-й двери VOLVO XC60 \\\\ 14- \\\\ VOLVO Original 31333812',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31333812 Молдинг 5-й двери VOLVO XC60 \\\\ 14- \\\\ VOLVO Original 31333812',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Молдинг 5-й двери (14-) \\\\ VOLVO Original 31333812 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:14',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:49:50',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => '8211',
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10730',
    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'molding-5-j-dveri-14-31333812',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '14513.1900',
    'compare_price' => '16690.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '14513.1900',
    'max_price' => '14513.1900',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '20.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '14513.1900',
    'min_base_price' => '14513.1900',
    'max_base_price' => '14513.1900',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '10287.9900',
    'category_id' => '1874',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
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    'frontend_price' => '14513.1900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '14513.1900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '14513.1900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '14513.1900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '14513.1900',
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    'frontend_compare_price' => '16690.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
122 991,04 141 440
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88739',
    'id_1c' => 'b0acdd3c-9c76-4c3c-a022-8043f07ffb9d',
    'name' => 'Капот VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31335847',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31335847 Капот VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31335847',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Капот \\\\ VOLVO Original 31335847 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:14',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:48:11',
    'status' => '1',
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    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10741',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'kapot-31335847',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '122991.0400',
    'compare_price' => '141440.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '122991.0400',
    'max_price' => '122991.0400',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '122991.0400',
    'min_base_price' => '122991.0400',
    'max_base_price' => '122991.0400',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1868',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '122991.0400',
    'frontend_price' => '122991.0400',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '122991.0400',
    'frontend_min_price' => '122991.0400',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '122991.0400',
    'frontend_max_price' => '122991.0400',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '141440.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '141440.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
102 705,70 118 110
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88742',
    'id_1c' => '49e741f9-9ada-407b-b0a3-094caf8429d5',
    'name' => 'Капот VOLVO XC60 \\\\ 14- \\\\ VOLVO Original 31335900',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31335900 Капот VOLVO XC60 \\\\ 14- \\\\ VOLVO Original 31335900',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Капот (14-) \\\\ VOLVO Original 31335900 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:14',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:48:11',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10744',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'kapot-14-31335900',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '102705.7000',
    'compare_price' => '118110.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '102705.7000',
    'max_price' => '102705.7000',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '20.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '102705.7000',
    'min_base_price' => '102705.7000',
    'max_base_price' => '102705.7000',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1868',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '102705.7000',
    'frontend_price' => '102705.7000',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '102705.7000',
    'frontend_min_price' => '102705.7000',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '102705.7000',
    'frontend_max_price' => '102705.7000',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '118110.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '118110.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
54 573,81 62 760
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88753',
    'id_1c' => 'd627ab8d-28bc-4dbd-a383-9b83e1c2985c',
    'name' => 'Радиатор интеркуллера VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31338475',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31338475 Радиатор интеркуллера VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31338475',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Радиатор интеркуллера \\\\ VOLVO Original 31338475 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:14',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:51:55',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10755',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'radiator-interkullera-31338475',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '54573.8100',
    'compare_price' => '62760.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '54573.8100',
    'max_price' => '54573.8100',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '15.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '54573.8100',
    'min_base_price' => '54573.8100',
    'max_base_price' => '54573.8100',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '2192',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '54573.8100',
    'frontend_price' => '54573.8100',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '54573.8100',
    'frontend_min_price' => '54573.8100',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '54573.8100',
    'frontend_max_price' => '54573.8100',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '62760.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '62760.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
36 143,54 41 570
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88799',
    'id_1c' => '68914968-d60b-4253-8f69-ed12a70ca597',
    'name' => 'Кольцо контактное рулевого колеса SRS подвижный VOLVO S60 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31343218',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31343218 Кольцо контактное рулевого колеса SRS подвижный VOLVO S60 II, XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31343218',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Блок контактов рулевого колеса \\\\ VOLVO Original 31343218 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:15',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:48:31',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
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    'sku_id' => '10801',
    'ext' => NULL,
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    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '36143.5400',
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    'count' => '16.000',
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    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
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    'base_price' => '36143.5400',
    'min_base_price' => '36143.5400',
    'max_base_price' => '36143.5400',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '2954',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '36143.5400',
    'frontend_price' => '36143.5400',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '36143.5400',
    'frontend_min_price' => '36143.5400',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '36143.5400',
    'frontend_max_price' => '36143.5400',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '41570.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '41570.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
14 513,19 16 690
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88836',
    'id_1c' => 'ff16408a-c8ee-44a2-8948-b19533c3116e',
    'name' => 'Молдинг передней левой двери, нижний текстурный VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31349593',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31349593 Молдинг передней левой двери, нижний текстурный VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31349593',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Молдинг двери передней левой нижний текстурный \\\\ VOLVO Original 31349593 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:15',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:49:54',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10838',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'molding-dveri-perednej-levoj-nizhnij-teksturnyj-31349593',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '14513.1900',
    'compare_price' => '16690.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '14513.1900',
    'max_price' => '14513.1900',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '11.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '14513.1900',
    'min_base_price' => '14513.1900',
    'max_base_price' => '14513.1900',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1872',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '14513.1900',
    'frontend_price' => '14513.1900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '14513.1900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '14513.1900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '14513.1900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '14513.1900',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '16690.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '16690.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
9 805,68 11 280
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88837',
    'id_1c' => '0456dcd0-9a34-4ba8-ad59-d4dc7c01be44',
    'name' => 'Молдинг переднийи правой двери VOLVO XC60 \\\\ CH -499999 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31349594',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31349594 Молдинг переднийи правой двери VOLVO XC60 \\\\ CH -499999 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31349594',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Молдинг двери передней правой \\\\ VOLVO Original 31349594 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:15',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:49:54',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10839',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'molding-dveri-perednej-pravoj-31349594',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '9805.6800',
    'compare_price' => '11280.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '9805.6800',
    'max_price' => '9805.6800',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '14.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '9805.6800',
    'min_base_price' => '9805.6800',
    'max_base_price' => '9805.6800',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1872',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '9805.6800',
    'frontend_price' => '9805.6800',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '9805.6800',
    'frontend_min_price' => '9805.6800',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '9805.6800',
    'frontend_max_price' => '9805.6800',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '11280.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '11280.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
10 425,23 11 990
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88891',
    'id_1c' => '3ffaf872-b591-47a3-92ee-68751bd52697',
    'name' => 'Замок капота правый VOLVO XC60 \\\\ 08-17 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31356005',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31356005 Замок капота правый VOLVO XC60 \\\\ 08-17 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31356005',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Замок капота правый \\\\ VOLVO Original 31356005 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:15',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:47:50',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10893',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'zamok-kapota-pravyj-31356005',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '10425.2300',
    'compare_price' => '11990.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '10425.2300',
    'max_price' => '10425.2300',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '14.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
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    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '10425.2300',
    'min_base_price' => '10425.2300',
    'max_base_price' => '10425.2300',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1868',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
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    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
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    'frontend_price' => '10425.2300',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '10425.2300',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '10425.2300',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '11990.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '11990.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
45 307,18 52 100
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88926',
    'id_1c' => '6af565ce-6a31-41b3-b3ec-679cad5d4a28',
    'name' => 'Запасное колесо докатка 125/80R17 VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31362447',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31362447 Запасное колесо докатка 125/80R17 VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31362447',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить зап. колесо \\\\ VOLVO Original 31362447 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:15',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:47:51',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10928',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'zap-koleso-31362447',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '45307.1800',
    'compare_price' => '52100.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '45307.1800',
    'max_price' => '45307.1800',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '45307.1800',
    'min_base_price' => '45307.1800',
    'max_base_price' => '45307.1800',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1030',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '45307.1800',
    'frontend_price' => '45307.1800',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '45307.1800',
    'frontend_min_price' => '45307.1800',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '45307.1800',
    'frontend_max_price' => '45307.1800',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '52100.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '52100.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
23 320,74 26 820
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88983',
    'id_1c' => 'b49ab372-8c25-4124-84a7-bee4edf1c93c',
    'name' => 'Корпус фильтра воздушного VOLVO S80 II, XC60 \\\\ D5244T10/14/19 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31370671',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31370671 Корпус фильтра воздушного VOLVO S80 II, XC60 \\\\ D5244T10/14/19 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31370671',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Корпус фильтра воздушного \\\\ VOLVO Original 31370671 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:16',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:48:56',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '10985',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'korpus-filtra-vozdushnogo-31370671',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '23320.7400',
    'compare_price' => '26820.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '23320.7400',
    'max_price' => '23320.7400',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '14.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '23320.7400',
    'min_base_price' => '23320.7400',
    'max_base_price' => '23320.7400',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '2257',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '23320.7400',
    'frontend_price' => '23320.7400',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '23320.7400',
    'frontend_min_price' => '23320.7400',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '23320.7400',
    'frontend_max_price' => '23320.7400',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '26820.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '26820.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
812,50 930
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '89004',
    'id_1c' => '855697f5-dbed-4cc5-b41a-5725c41cebff',
    'name' => 'Защитный кожух насоса впрыска VOLVO XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31372742',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31372742 Защитный кожух насоса впрыска VOLVO XC60, XC70 II \\\\ VOLVO Original 31372742',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить защитн. кожух \\\\ VOLVO Original 31372742 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:16',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:47:57',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '11006',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'zashitn-kozhuh-31372742',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '812.5000',
    'compare_price' => '930.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '812.5000',
    'max_price' => '812.5000',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '20.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '812.5000',
    'min_base_price' => '812.5000',
    'max_base_price' => '812.5000',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '2901',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '812.5000',
    'frontend_price' => '812.5000',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '812.5000',
    'frontend_min_price' => '812.5000',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '812.5000',
    'frontend_max_price' => '812.5000',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '930.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '930.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
12 442,67 14 310
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '89022',
    'id_1c' => 'c2f74012-4559-42e5-9fd6-f62610384fa0',
    'name' => 'Защитная накладка на задний бампер VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31373742',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31373742 Защитная накладка на задний бампер VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31373742',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Защитная накладка на задний бампер \\\\ VOLVO Original 31373742 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:16',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:47:57',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => '4513',
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '11024',
    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'zashitnaja-nakladka-na-zadnij-bamper-31373742',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '12442.6700',
    'compare_price' => '14310.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '12442.6700',
    'max_price' => '12442.6700',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '22.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '12442.6700',
    'min_base_price' => '12442.6700',
    'max_base_price' => '12442.6700',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1866',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '12442.6700',
    'frontend_price' => '12442.6700',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '12442.6700',
    'frontend_min_price' => '12442.6700',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '12442.6700',
    'frontend_max_price' => '12442.6700',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '14310.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '14310.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
29 494,77 33 920
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '89094',
    'id_1c' => 'c6b3b1c7-0ebf-4b02-b36a-12e70c9781d2',
    'name' => 'Стекло двери передней левой VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386792',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31386792 Стекло двери передней левой VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386792',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Стекло левое \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386792 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:16',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:53:02',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '11096',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'steklo-levoe-31386792',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '29494.7700',
    'compare_price' => '33920.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '29494.7700',
    'max_price' => '29494.7700',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '29494.7700',
    'min_base_price' => '29494.7700',
    'max_base_price' => '29494.7700',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '663',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '29494.7700',
    'frontend_price' => '29494.7700',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '29494.7700',
    'frontend_min_price' => '29494.7700',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '29494.7700',
    'frontend_max_price' => '29494.7700',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '33920.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '33920.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
29 494,77 33 920
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '89095',
    'id_1c' => '00b9a9b2-1bfa-4acc-8a37-399cb1e02b30',
    'name' => 'Стекло двери передней правой VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386793',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31386793 Стекло двери передней правой VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386793',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Стекло двери передней правой VOLVO \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386793 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:16',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:53:02',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '11097',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'steklo-dveri-perednej-pravoj-volvo-31386793',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '29494.7700',
    'compare_price' => '33920.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '29494.7700',
    'max_price' => '29494.7700',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '29494.7700',
    'min_base_price' => '29494.7700',
    'max_base_price' => '29494.7700',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '663',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '29494.7700',
    'frontend_price' => '29494.7700',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '29494.7700',
    'frontend_min_price' => '29494.7700',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '29494.7700',
    'frontend_max_price' => '29494.7700',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '33920.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '33920.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
67 111,32 77 180
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '89096',
    'id_1c' => '2ecc9a44-96c5-4d97-8f02-55960072ff6f',
    'name' => 'Стекло двери передней левой ламинированное WRG VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386796',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31386796 Стекло двери передней левой ламинированное WRG VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386796',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Стекло двери передней левой ламинированное WRG \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386796 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:16',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:53:02',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '11098',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'steklo-dveri-perednej-levoj-laminirovannoe-wrg-31386796',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '67111.3200',
    'compare_price' => '77180.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '67111.3200',
    'max_price' => '67111.3200',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
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    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '67111.3200',
    'min_base_price' => '67111.3200',
    'max_base_price' => '67111.3200',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '663',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '67111.3200',
    'frontend_price' => '67111.3200',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '67111.3200',
    'frontend_min_price' => '67111.3200',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '67111.3200',
    'frontend_max_price' => '67111.3200',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '77180.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '77180.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
13 745,89 15 810
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '89097',
    'id_1c' => 'bdda1b01-0636-40f3-9b0a-e5665ce65076',
    'name' => 'Стекло двери задней правой VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386799',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31386799 Стекло двери задней правой VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386799',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Стекло двери задней правой \\\\ VOLVO Original 31386799 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:16',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:53:02',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '11099',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'steklo-dveri-zadnej-pravoj-31386799',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '13745.8900',
    'compare_price' => '15810.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '13745.8900',
    'max_price' => '13745.8900',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '20.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '13745.8900',
    'min_base_price' => '13745.8900',
    'max_base_price' => '13745.8900',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '663',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '13745.8900',
    'frontend_price' => '13745.8900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '13745.8900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '13745.8900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '13745.8900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '13745.8900',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '15810.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '15810.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
53 597,69 61 640
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '89195',
    'id_1c' => 'd3061914-a0dd-45d6-b8fe-64c179a2bde7',
    'name' => 'Стекло лобовое с установочным к-том VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31402253',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31402253 Стекло лобовое с установочным к-том VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31402253',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Стекло лобовое с установочным к-том \\\\ VOLVO Original 31402253 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:17',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:53:04',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '11197',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'steklo-lobovoe-s-ustanovochnym-k-tom-31402253',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '53597.6900',
    'compare_price' => '61640.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '53597.6900',
    'max_price' => '53597.6900',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '18.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '53597.6900',
    'min_base_price' => '53597.6900',
    'max_base_price' => '53597.6900',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '663',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '53597.6900',
    'frontend_price' => '53597.6900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '53597.6900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '53597.6900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '53597.6900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '53597.6900',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '61640.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '61640.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
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  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
72 312,28 83 160
dumped from wa-cache/4757f7/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '89196',
    'id_1c' => '4524afba-2158-40ed-88bd-1bfe36a9555f',
    'name' => 'Стекло лобовое с установочным к-том VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31402265',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31402265 Стекло лобовое с установочным к-том VOLVO XC60 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31402265',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Стекло лобовое с установочным к-том \\\\ VOLVO Original 31402265 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:17',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-18 18:53:04',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
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    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
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    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'steklo-lobovoe-s-ustanovochnym-k-tom-31402265',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '72312.2800',
    'compare_price' => '83160.0000',
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    'tax_id' => NULL,
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    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
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    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '72312.2800',
    'min_base_price' => '72312.2800',
    'max_base_price' => '72312.2800',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '27777.6800',
    'category_id' => '663',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '0',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
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    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '72312.2800',
    'frontend_price' => '72312.2800',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '72312.2800',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '72312.2800',
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  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина